Tag Archives: Full Transaction Durability

Why you should upgrade to SQL Server 2014:

I shared my blog with my brother Zulfi Haja, he is a SQL Server Consultant too and works for an investment bank in London,UK. Having reviewed the top 5 features of SQL Server 2014, He shot me an email saying, Bro the effort you put on summarizing the top 5 features was worth reading and it’s a neat approach, would definitely recommend it to my colleagues, but I am still not convinced for an upgrade to SQL Server 2014. Can you help?

I thought only a Tech Evangelist from Microsoft will be able to answer him. I took the question from him with a little hesitation and replied back saying, “I don’t know how long will it take but surely will get back to you once I find a convincing answer”. He said, All the best!!

Was looking out for users experience with Enterprise 2014 version across my network circle and over the blogs, it was of no use. In the beginning of May I joined a local SQL Server User group and they invited me for their monthly meeting. To my surprise there was a presentation about In Memory OLTP and SQL Server 2014 by a Product Specialist from Microsoft. I said to myself, I found the guy and this Product Specialist and Tech Evangelist should be the one to answer my question. His presentation was very convincing enough and I found the answer from his talk. After the presentation the Q&A session was open and I asked him the same question and he gave me the expected answer from presentation. It is SQL Server 2014 can now support Tier1 application.

Let me elaborate this, if you have hanged out with a developer crowd from different domains they have this pre destined notion with them where they will give you an analogy, Oracle is like a business class of a flight and major critical applications are built using it and SQL Server is like an economy class where middle tiered companies uses it. In fact, of all my projects 60-70% of them will be the front end applications supported by Oracle and we had the data replicated to us in SQL Server environments for our reporting and analysis purposes. With SQL Server 2014 that pre destined notion is no more and as per my conversation with the Tech Evangelist, SQL Server 2014 will be good enough to support Tier1 applications and compete with Oracle supported systems because of its new DB engine design. Also he hinted out saying, if NASDAQ uses SQL Server why not your applications?

So Oracle folks better be aware of it :)


Delayed Transaction Durability In SQL Server 2014

Microsoft has introduced a new feature called Delayed Transaction Durability with its SQL Server 2014 version which aims to reduce the delays happening at the transaction level and to facilitate a full time availability of the database to the front end client application. By default, the transactions in SQL Server are durable which means the committed transactions will remain in the system even after a system failure. With its 2014 version Microsoft has introduced two types of durability in its transactions as follows,

1. Full Transaction Durability and 2. Delayed Transaction Durability.

Full Transaction Durability:

Consider a data entry user using a front end application built by ASP.Net backed by a SQL Server database. When the data entry operator enters 100 records the data gets written into the log file of the database and when he hits submit button from the Client application, the 100 records are moved from the log file into the data file. During this process the user will not get the control of client application until write process from log file to data file gets completed and he wouldn’t be able to process/enter any data at front end level (This corresponds to the processing screen which appears when we submit data over a website – annoying right?).Once the write process is completed, the log file becomes available and the user gets availability of the Front End and continues with his work. This process is called Full Transaction Durability. On the pros side there are no data loss and on the cons side there will be a significant latency at the client side application.

Delayed Transaction Durability:

In this method a buffer is used at the log file and the data is sent periodically to the data file whenever the buffer gets filled up. Imagine if the buffer has the capacity to hold up to 25 records flushes the data to a data file once it gets filled up. Flipping the above said data entry process for this method, the data gets written into the data file when the user enters the 26th record and when he enters the 100th record and hits submit, 75 records were already moved to the data file and only 25 records needs to be moved which will be taken care by the buffer flush and the client application is readily available to the user when the write happens which mean a no wait time. This process is called Delayed Transaction Durability. The latency at client side is significantly reduced and user is given an all-time availability of the client application. The DBA has to configure the database to handle full durable/delayed durable transactions.

Couple of month’s back one of my colleague had an issue of the log file getting filled up at a rapid pace and the nightly jobs were getting failed. I hope configuring the data base with Delayed Transaction Durability will enable periodic flushing of data from log file to data file which will prevent the log file from getting filled up. I am going to recommend this to my colleague. Hope you all will:-)
